Board of County Commissioners
MEETING DATES: The Board of County Commissioners meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month unless those dates fall on a holiday.
The Board of County Commissioners is a governing body of Eureka County. Members are elected at large by the citizenry to overlapping four-year terms. Each year the Board selects one of its members to serve as Chairman. The Board receives advice from a number of advisory and citizen commissions.
Working in conjunction with other elected officials, the Board seeks to represent the interests of the residents of the county. The Board oversees the development and implementation of financial, administrative, and other policies.
- Natural Resources Advisory Committee
- Planning Commission
- Regional Transportation Commission
- Crescent Valley Advisory Board
- Medical Clinic Advisory Committee
Board of County Commissioners
Board of Eureka County Commissioners
P.O. Box 540
Eureka County NV 89316
Phone: (775) 237 - 7211
Fax: (775) 237 - 4610
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